Baniyas Sports and Cultural Club and ‘Go Gamers’ have launched the virtual championships for all members of the public across the UAE.
Organisers want to encourage us to keep up with physical exercise to maintain a healthy body.
The head of Baniyas Club Strategic Committee, Abdulrahman Al Mansoori, said the club wants to help the community to invest their time in a way that boosts physical fitness.
"We are keen to use technology and social media to support social relations among members of the society in a positive way and to encourage sports activities that enhances fitness and immunity system,” said Al Mansoori.
The Committee announced in a video conference that the tournament would be split into two main categories: electronic and video games; and actual physical challenges.
The club says they are following World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations encouraging e-games platforms to keep active at home while practicing social distancing.
More information is available at the UAE e-Games website.