Passengers travelling from China and other countries affected by COVID-19 are thermally scanned at Dubai International Airports.
That's according to Dr. Badria Al Harmi, Director of the Public Health Protection Department at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA).
In a video posted on Twitter in Arabic, Dr. Badria explains that travellers are taken by on-ground medical staff for further tests if they show any alarming symptoms such as a high fever.
The DHA conducts the COVID-19 test on passengers arriving from Beijing, Beirut, Rome, Milan, Venice and Bologna, if Dubai is their final destination.
Airport services team escort them to health screening area at Dubai International where they are given the DHA’s Health Declaration forms, which should be completed and handed over during the testing.
Customers transiting through Dubai International airport are not tested, but have to go through temperature screening before boarding their connecting flight.
Dr. Al Harmi said that health professionals at airports have been well-trained and are fully equipped to help detect the coronavirus.
Travellers have also been advised by to take all the necessary preventative measures during their journey to avoid catching the virus.
تعرف على الإجراءات المتبعة في مطارات #دبي بالتنسيق مع هيئة الصحة بدبي لمواجهة فيروس كورونا المستجد باستخدام أكثر الأجهزة تطوراً وتواجد الفرق الطبية على مدار الساعة في المرافئ الجوية للإمارة لضمان سلامة المجتمع. pic.twitter.com/u6szZy54v1
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) March 2, 2020
Dubai authorities implement strict screening measures and conduct medical check-ups for passengers arriving at Dubai Airports as precautionary measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus “COVID-19” into the UAE. pic.twitter.com/qJwWOyEcvG
— Dubai Media Office (@DXBMediaOffice) March 2, 2020