Over 1.9 million riders used public transport in Ajman in the first half of this year, an 18% increase from 2023.
Ajman Transport Authority (ATA) reported an 18% increase from 2023, with 1,980,386 choosing to take public transport.
Statistics also showed buses completed 62,327 trips, showcasing ATA's efforts to enhance services and customer experience.
According to the ATA, they are creating plans to cover vital and crowded areas to meet rising public transport demand.
The authority aims to provide modern and comfortable transportation options for users.
The ATA added that it is focused on improving public transportation facilities, including waiting stations, to encourage mass transportation use.
أعلنت هيئة النقل في عجمان عن تسجيل 1,980,386 مستخدم لمنظومة النقل العام خلال النصف الأول من عام 2024، مما يمثل زيادة بنسبة 18% مقارنة بنفس الفترة من عام 2023 ، وأوضحت الإحصائيات الصادرة عن الهيئة أن عدد الرحلات التي قامت بها حافلات النقل العام بلغ 62,327 رحلة. pic.twitter.com/lsHVrqhdfl
— Ajman Transport (@AjmanTransport) August 8, 2024