The UAE has witnessed a high count of people helping to provide guidance in the third phase of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials.
According to the Abu Dhabi Media Office, more than 70 male and female participants have signed up so far.
Officials explained that the volunteers have helped ease the process for those taking part in the vaccine trials.
Participants who've received the vaccine have praised the well-organized procedure, clarifying that steps were clear and well-defined.
They've also expressed their confidence in the government's efforts in dealing with the pandemic and ensuring the safety of all members of the public.
Volunteers receive the vaccine following clear and well-defined steps, and express their confidence in the government and its professional way of dealing with the pandemic in order to protect the health and safety of the whole community.
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@ADMediaOffice) August 24, 2020
إقبال مستمر لرد الجميل #لأجل_الإنسانية، حيث يشارك متطوعون في تنظيم المرحلة الثالثة من تجارب لقاح كوفيد-19 غير النشط. ويتلقى المتطوعون اللقاح وفق خطوات واضحة، معربين عن ثقتهم بالجهود الحكومية وتعاملها الاحترافي مع الأزمة حرصاً على صحة وسلامة المجتمع. pic.twitter.com/F34p2g0p0C
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@ADMediaOffice) August 24, 2020