Two online e-Sports events will be made available online for students during their spring break.
Dubai Sports Council, the KHDA and ESM launched the Dubai Schools Games (DSG) with FIFA 2021 and Chess as part of their programme in order to ensure that schools have an opportunity to take part in organized competitive activities.
So far, 106 KHDA-governed private schools have registered for the games with more expected to join in the coming months.
This means that more than 2,000 students and close to 500 physical education teachers have signed up for the programme.
Numbers are expected to increase to more than 25,000 students once it is safe for school sports to return and participate in the 14 planned sports for the inaugural event.
James Bowing, Commercial Director of ESM noted: “We are incredibly pleased with the number of schools and students who have participated in the two online events so far. The championship finals will follow after the Holy month of Ramadan, ideally in person if it is safe to do so, but failing that, we'll put on a fantastic show online with the support of our technical partners and sponsors.”
A third online event – Online Rocket League Championships - is set for April 9 and 10, with more than 500 registrations already confirmed.