New rules are in place for restaurants and other food establishments in Dubai as part of efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19.
According to a circular issued by Dubai Municipality's Health and Safety Department, open buffets must close immediately, while eateries have been barred from allowing entry to customers or employees with flu symptoms.
Until further notice, outlets must not sell more than 50 meals per order and customers are not allowed to be in the waiting area to limit the number of people inside the food premises.
The directive states that all seating tables should be spaced at least two metres apart from each other, and they must be cleaned and disinfected immediately after the departure of customers.
Establishments that have automated dish washing facilities that meet the disinfection temperature requirements can use regular plates and cutlery, but others have to use disposable materials.
Restaurants are also being urged to increase takeaway and home delivery orders with adequate safety precautions.
Inspections will be stepped up to ensure compliance with the law.