Federal employees in the UAE will be granted flexibility in attendance on the first day of the new academic year to accompany their children to and from school or home.
Meanwhile, parents with children in nurseries and kindergartens will be allowed flexible working hours during the first week of the new term.
The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) said the duration of flexibility shall not exceed a total of three hours.
It also added that employees may be granted flexible working hours to attend parent-teacher meetings, graduation ceremonies and other school events during the academic year.
الهيئة تصدر تعميماً خاصاً، موجهاً لكافة الوزارات والجهات الاتحادية، بشأن سياسة "العودة إلى المدارس"، التي اعتمدها مجلس الوزراء الموقر، وأطلقتها الحكومة الاتحادية في وقت سابق، بهدف تحسين جودة حياة الموظفين، ورفع مستويات الرضا والسعادة الوظيفية. pic.twitter.com/T9uvLdO3Gc
— FAHR (@FAHR_UAE) August 24, 2023