Maintaining a clean environment and preserving the sustainability of resources are some of the key challenges facing the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi as it moves to implement its future approach.
The agency has been meeting virtually to adopt the five-year strategy, in line with Abu Dhabi’s strategic environmental plan.
Chairing the talks with the board of directors, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region and Chairman of the Environment Agency, said comprehensive studies have been conducted to understand biodiversity, monitor the environment and foresee future challenges.
The 2021 to 2025 strategy includes the sustainable management of groundwater, guaranteeing soil quality, improving air quality and reducing noise pollution.
Other priorities are minimising the impact of climate change, improving marine water quality, offering comprehensive waste management, promoting the principles of a circular economy, conducting related research, protecting biodiversity, ensuring the sustainable use of environmental resources and maintaining the sustainable use of fisheries.
إعتمدنا خلال إجتماع مجلس إدارة هيئة البيئة أبوظبي الذي عقد عن بعد الخطة الإستراتيجية المؤسسية للهيئة للأعوام 2021-2025 ، الحفاظ على بيئة نظيفة وآمنه وإستدامة مواردنا الطبيعية من أهم موروثاتنا للأجيال القادمة ، ماضون في تطوير سياساتنا وتشريعاتنا البيئية لتحقيق أهدافنا وغاياتنا .. pic.twitter.com/6rHpLEB9rP
— حمدان بن زايد (@HamdanBinZayed) November 2, 2020