European Commission has proposed a temporary short-term derogation from rules on crop rotation and maintenance of non-productive features on arable land, following a request from the EU Member States.
The impact of such measure will depend on the choice made by the Member States and farmers, but it will maximise the EU's production capacity for cereals aimed at food products. It is estimated to put back 1.5 million hectares in production compared to today. Every tonne of grains produced in the EU will help to increase food security worldwide.
The Commission proposal will be sent to the EU Member States before formally adopting it.
The global food system faces strong risks and uncertainties stemming in particular from the developments in Ukraine, where in the near future also, issues of food security may arise.
The Commission proposal is a result of a careful balancing between global food availability and affordability on the one hand and protection of biodiversity and soil quality on the other hand. The Commission remains fully committed to the Green Deal.
The proposal foresees that the derogations shall promote eco-schemes and agri-environmental measures programmed in their CAP Strategic Plans.
The long-term sustainability of our food system is fundamental for food security. Even though we are in an extraordinary situation concerning food security, we must continue the transition to a resilient and sustainable agricultural sector in line with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies and the Nature Restoration Law.