The UAE's exports of oil to Japan increased significantly in March, making it the top provider of crude to the Asian country.
Deliveries reached 34.11 million barrels, or 38.3 percent of the total brought in, compared to 24.67 million barrels in February, or 31.4 percent, according to data from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, that belongs to Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Their total oil imports in March amounted to 89.15 million barrels, compared to 78.51 million barrels in February.
The figures represent the quantities of oil that reached Japanese refineries, storage tanks and warehouses.
About a third of Japan's energy needs come from the fossil fuel, meaning the UAE's deliveries are of crucial importance as the country continues to bounce back from the Covid-19 pandemic.
#الإمارات تؤمن 38.3 % من واردات #اليابان النفطية خلال مارس#وام https://t.co/GoFbq207oq pic.twitter.com/wyEtLUR4uj
— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) May 3, 2022