The GCC region's largest Global Gold Convention (GGC) will be held in Dubai later this month, bringing together industry leaders and government officials under one platform.
Hosted by IBMC International, GGC 2020 is the first 'hybrid' industry-led event this year in Dubai in strict compliance with COVID-19 protocols and guidelines.
It's a testimony to the UAE economy’s resilience power and adaptability in the wake of the pandemic.
The event, which will be held on November 23 at Armani, Burj Khalifa, will see the participation of gold industry companies, mines, refiners, traders, authorities, government officials and regulators from across the world.
Ministers, diplomats and industry leaders from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US across multiple verticals within the gold industry will be in attendance.
The key objective is to showcase the entire gamut of gold trade, investment and joint venture opportunities, import and export, logistics, refining, mining, jewellery manufacturing, bullion trade and retail opportunities around the globe as well as in the UAE.
Following the success of IBMC’s UAE-Africa Gold Convention 2019, GGC 2020, returns to the UAE with plans to surpass 2019’s showing by widening the scope of participation and innovative programmes to make the UAE the hub of global gold trade.
The conference is part of IBMC’s five-year growth project 2022, started in 2017 to support the region’s non-oil sector diversification programmes by fostering partnerships with businesses and government bodies from Africa, Asia, Europe and the US.
"Encouraged by the overwhelming success of the 2019 convention, we have decided to widen the scope to global levels and to hold the Conference as the first major event from Dubai this year which will demonstrate the UAE economy’s resilience power and the gold industry’s potential to make the UAE the hub of global gold trade," said Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al Hamed, Chairman of IBMC UAE.
IBMC will unveil innovative programmes such as Gold eMarketplace Trade Flow in its SME Economy Platform which will enable all classes of participants to do investments and business transparently.
Sajith Kumar P.K., Managing Director and CEO of IBMC, added: "This year the Convention has opened up to global gold economies to explore innovative and secured business and investment opportunities from the UAE. In line with 'IBMC-5 Year Growth Project 2022', we have scheduled separate sessions for the newly launched IBMC projects US Digital & Stable Gold Currency, SME Economy e-Marketplace Platform for Secured Gold Business and selected Country Focused Industry Sessions from 33 anticipated participating countries, including Israel."
Industry participants will have the opportunity to network with key stakeholders across all verticals within the industry to address regulatory issues and expand their business at home and beyond.