Mystery shoppers will soon check the level of customer services offered in Dubai's shopping malls, hypermarkets, fashion retailers and digital services under a new programme launched by Dubai Chambers.
Firms that come under the entertainment and hospitality, specialty retailers and health and wellbeing categories will also be monitored under the Service Excellence Programme (SEP) once they are registered.
They will be inspected every quarter, in-person and virtually, and the findings evaluated to pinpoint each company’s strengths and areas for improvement.
Everything from the appearance of the firm to its digital presence, to its health and safety policies, to the availability of types of payment transactions will be evaluated.
Abdul Aziz Abdulla Al Ghurair, Chairman of Dubai Chambers, highlighted that Dubai is "among the first entities to adopt this innovative approach", which will "further enhance the reputation of the city's dynamic business community".
"In today’s business landscape, world-class customer service is a key pillar of success and a prerequisite for companies looking to boost their competitiveness in the market."